Second Summer School of Astronomy IOTA/ME was held

Tabriz city was host Second Summer School of Astronomy IOTA/ME (2014) entitled “Semi-professional Astronomy with Small Telescopes” in Tabriz, Iran from September 13 to 16.The first registration period, which lasted about a month, among 293 people, signed up and the forms provide preliminary information on personnel, were also required to fill in your section; Finally, due to the limited resources and the make appropriate scientific quality, 40 peoplewere accepted to attend this schoolfrom the cities of Tehran, Karaj, Tabriz, Khoy, Mianeh, Khorramshahr, ShahinShahr, Nishapur, Babol, Varamin, Shiraz, Rasht, Maragha, Omidieh, Qom, Tehran, Shahr-e-Kord, Delijan, Nurabad Mamasani, Ajabshir, Dezful, Bane, Banab, Izmir. According to the schedule announced, the first day is devoted to visiting some of the many scenic areas in Tabriz and participants become familiar with each other and a bit of rest to prepare for the summer school. However, on the first day, Mr. Atila Peru (President of IOTA / ME) presented is an hour and a half lecture on“Asteroid Survey, Model to Observation”.
The second morning, lectures attended by Amir Hassan Zadeh began about “Semi-professional projects in Astronomy with Small Telescopes”.The second lecture presented by Dr.Volkan Bakis (University of Antalya) about “Spectroscopy, Theory and Observation”. In the afternoon, Dr. Marjan Zakerin presented her content as “Basics of Research in Astrobiology”...

Second Summer School of Astronomy IOTA/ME was held

Second Summer School of Astronomy IOTA/ME was held


The Second IOTA/ME Astronomical Winter School (2014)

Second course of winter school of astronomy by IOTA/ME was held in Isfahan on isfand21 to 23, 1392. It provided by iota/me , iranian space agency, Adib center of astronomy education and supported by Najm Shomal science research Institute and Iranian Science Olympiads institute and attended by 40 participants from Tehran, Noorabad momsani, Isfahan, Jahrom, Najafabad, Shiraz, Rasht, Pishva, Desful, Shahr e kord, Karaj, Parand, Zarghan, Soumesara cities was finished.
Second winter school of astronomy passed the register while more 187 patients request to participated. finally, due to the capacity of school,which was 25 persons, and after screening of individuals based on knowledge needed by teachers of this school , 40 persons were accepted and attended. Winter school of astronomy was held in Imam Khomieni complex in Isfahan , and the positive points of this course were side by side in all of accommodation, resturant and classes . moreover , tried all of discuss and learning were in base of observe and experimental with data, And in second day learned sun observe with adib h-alpha telescope was done.
Main topics were selected for this course included : solar physics introduction, observe of variable stars and data absorb, teach of paper writing and work with latex, work in observatory and introduction of semi-professional astronomy. Topics teached by M.r Atila Poro (President of IOTA/ME), Amir Hasanzadeh (President of eclip department of IOTA/ME and Director of Najm Shomal science research institute) and D.r Marjan Zakerin (PHD degree from max planck in physics). Executive director of second winter school of astronomy (IOTA/ME) had claimed by M.r Seyed Reza Monajemi.

The Second IOTA/ME Astronomical Winter School (2014)

The First IOTA/ME Astronomical Winter School (2013)

The first IOTA/ME astronomical winter school held by IOTA/ME was held 7-9th of March 2013 at the Mahdasht, Iran. Thirteen participants from different cities of Iran joined this 3 days event. In this course, the lectures were given by Atila Poro (president of IOTA-ME), Koorosh Rokni, and Somayeh Zahabi (Ms. of astrophysics, a member of the IOTA/ME academic group).

The First IOTA/ME Astronomical Winter School (2013)

The First IOTA/ME Astronomy Summer School (2013)

The first IOTA/ME astronomy summer school was held by IOTA/ME, and IAU OAD at the observatory of Alborz space center (south of Karaj). After the announcement for the school, more than 350 people registered for the program. To guarantee the quality of school and also considering the organizers facilities, 22 people were accepted for this five-days school from different cities of Iran.

The First IOTA/ME Astronomy Summer School (2013)[/center]