Agreement for cooperation between IOTA/ME and Observatory of Adana Çukurova University

Agreement for cooperation between IOTA/ME and Observatory of Adana Çukurova University

Mr. Atila Poro the President of IOTA/ME visited Observatory of Adana Çukurova University. In this visit, the two sides agreed to expand scientific cooperation and work closely together to hold scientific programs.

The president of IOTA/ME talked in 9M-S3

The president of IOTA/ME  talked in 9M-S3

Mr. Atila Poro the President of IOTA/ME talked at the 9th International Symposium on the Solar System in Moscow, October 8-13, 2018.
His talk was titled: Comparison of Photometric & Occultation Methods to Calculate Asteroid Parameters.
The Ninth Moscow international Solar System Symposium (9M-S3) held by Space Research Institute (IKI) of Russia.

Program of IOTA/ME Photometric Observations of Exoplanet Transits Workshop

Program of IOTA/ME Photometric Observations of Exoplanet Transits Workshop

DAY-1 (Oct 15, 2018 Monday)
14:30 – 17:00 Observations of Exoplanet Transits (Assoc. Prof. Ozgur Baştürk)
18:00 – morning Observation Run – 1

DAY-2 (Oct 16, 2018 Tuesday)
14:30 – 17:00 Modeling an Exoplanet Transit Light Curve
18:00 – morning Observation Run – 2

DAY-3 (Oct 17, 2018 Wednesday)
14:30 – 17:00 Data Reduction of a Photometric Transit Observation
18:00 – morning Observation Run – 3

DAY-4 (Oct 18, 2018 Thursday)
14:30 – 17:00 Discussion of the results of observation runs (Presentations)

New version of GRAZPREP (4.20)

New version of GRAZPREP (4.20)

Dear all,
I just uploaded a fully revised version of GRAZPREP (now 4.20) to be downloaded from ( . The major change is the implementation of all Gaia DR2 stars yielding Gaia proper motions, parallax and radial velocity. These are now 98% of all zodical stars of the former XZ80Q catalogue! Even some of the brightest stars have Gaia positions now: the brighest being delta Sagittarii with a visual magnitude of 2.7. For some brighter stars we still have to rely on the Hipparcos-positions. Note that the measuring array of Gaia has problems with bright stars. This might affect stars brighter than 7 mag. where the center of light is harder to define. The irradiation factor inreases with brightness. But still there are improvements to former catalogues.
On you will also find revised 2018 grazing occultation prediction files for the rest of the year that need to be downloaded as well (at least the one matching your area). The limitimg magnitude is 9.3 (13.0 for the lunar eclipses). A prediction file of grazes during the upcoming lunar eclipse of Jan. 21, 2019, is also available.
Before installing the new version UNINSTALL any former version you have! You will find an Unins000.EXE in the GRAZPREP-folder. Former prediction files and your setting data will NOT and must not be deleted.
The password for the installation is 'IOTA/ES' as before. During installation be sure NOT to use the Windows-program folder offered as a default, but select your self created GRAZPREP-folder and install GRAZPREP there.
Please report any difficulty you might have to me for a quick support from my side whereever possible.
Clear skies to all and hopefully many successful occultations!

Kind regards,
Eberhard Riedel

IOTA/ME Photometric Observations of Exoplanet Transits Workshop

IOTA/ME Photometric Observations of Exoplanet Transits Workshop

15-18Oct. 2018
Ankara University, Turkey

Scientific Committee:
Assoc. Prof. Ozgur Baştürk
Assoc. Prof. Mesut Yilmaz
Ekrem Murat Esmer
Burak Keten

Observations of Exoplanet Transits
Data Reduction of a Photometric Transit Observation
Modeling an Exoplanet Transit Light Curve
Observation Workshop and Discussion