Publication of IOTA/ME members' paper in NEW ASTRONOMY JOURNAL

Publication of IOTA/ME members' paper in NEW ASTRONOMY JOURNAL

A new paper with title “First light curve analysis of the high-amplitude Delta Scuti star GSC 4552–1498” has been recently accepted and published in the ISI journal New Astronomy. The Authors are “S. J. Jafarzadeh” and “A. Poro”.

In this paper, a HADS variable star is observed at three filter in Alborz observatory in Karaj. By analyzing its light curves, a new ephemeris and oscillation modes were presented. Furthermore, some of the star’s physical parameters including its mass, radius and luminosity were calculated and Two color diagram of different phases of the star were depicted.

This paper is accessible by the link below:

7th international workshop on Occultation and Eclipse was held (2017)

7th international workshop on Occultation and Eclipse was held (2017)

Seventh international workshop on occultation and eclipse, were held in Shahr-e kord city, Iran since 8 to 10 march. There were 55 participant from different cities of Iran, Turkey and Indonesia. 19 speeches and 7 posters were presented in this workshop. Eight invited professors were from Iran, France, Turkey, Spain and Japan.

Starting registration for 7th International Workshop on Occultation and Eclipse

Starting registration for 7th International Workshop on Occultation and Eclipse

Program Committee:
- Atila Poro (IOTA/ME, Iran)
- Hans J. Bode (IOTA/ES, Germany)
- Dr. Mitsuru Soma (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan)
- Prof. Luis Vázquez (Complutense Madrid University, Spain)
- Prof. Roger Ferlet (Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris CNRS, France)
- Wolfgang Beisker (IOTA/ES, Germany)
- Dr. Mehmet Ozel (Istanbul light university, Turkey)
- Kourosh Rokni (ISA, Iran)
- Dr. Narges Fathalian (Tehran Payam'Noor University, Iran)
- Mohammad Moradi (Shahr-e Kord University, Iran)
- Dr. Bahman Hosseinzadeh (Mahmudabad University, Iran)
- Prof. Osman Demircan (COMU, Turkey)

Asteriod occultation (22 Kalliope and Linus) Dec. 2016

Occultaion of 9/2 magnitude star by two asteroid.
On 24 Dec 2016 at 22:53 (UT), Kalliope and Linus (which is the known companion of Kaliope) will occultation with star TYC 2430-01124-1.
Here is a link to Derek’s Google map showing the predicted path for both Kalliope and Linus:

Best Lunar Occultations during 21 Nov-20 Dec 2016 in Iran

Size: 379.31 Kb
Downloaded: 947

Size: 63.5 Kb
Downloaded: 762

Observers can send the reports to: or

By: Maryam Mostafavi (IOTA/ME Data Collector)
Best Lunar Occultations during 21 Nov-20 Dec 2016 in Iran


7th International Workshop on Occultation and Eclipse

7th International Workshop on Occultation and Eclipse

The 7th annual workshop of IOTA/ME (International Occultation Timing Association in Middle East) will be held as an international workshop in Hafshejan & Shahr-e Kord Cities, Iran, on March 8-10, 2017. Haft Aseman Institute, International Astronomical Union (IAU), Shahr-e Kord University, Hamraz Aseman Shiraz Company, are the sponsors and support this workshop.

City: Hafshejan & Shahr-e Kord
Opening: March 8, 2017, 16:00 local time
End: March 10, 2017, 18:00 local time

The following sessions will be held during the workshop:
Session Moon and Occultation
Session Asteroid and Comet
Session Variable star, exoplanet and observation process
Session Astrobiology

Workshop web site: